Monday, April 6, 2009

You are never too old...

for a Princess Birthday Cake!

I love to drag out the celebration as long as I can. Saturday I went shopping with Jan and then went out to dinner with the Mortons (which I like to pretend is strictly for my birhday although it really is just a traditional after-the-Priesthood session meal and ice cream.) Then Sunday we had ice cream cake and Jan cooked us dinner. It was a relaxing day watching conference and laying around.

Monday I got my flowers from my sisters. Thanks Sisters for the loverly springy flowers. Then Ben got me a new camera! He is so sweet. Now we are going to go shopping and spend the evening together.

I got lots of love, calls and cards. Thanks for all the Birthday love!


Lacey Sue said...

I.Love.The.Cake!! AWESOME! Happy Birthday!!!

Rachel said...

Happy Birthday! I think it was the birthday to get new cameras! I got one too for my b-day, and so did my cousin who also turned 26. Glad it was so fun!

Mindy said...

Happy Birthday, Melissa! I hope that 26 is a happy year for you! :0 love you!

Unknown said...

Im so glad you had a fun birthday weekend. I am going to use your advice and drag mine out for the whole Memorial Weekend! Thanks for the idea!


Maxfields said...

Its so true, you are never too old for a Princess Birthday cake! I love that you did that. Your flowers are gorgeous! Way too beautiful. I think the selection in Washington is just exquisite. It is the year of camera birthdays, I got one for my birthday too. Lots of cameras! Glad you had a good day!

Love you!

Ken, Julia, Rue, & Atlas too! said...

So you should know that I love your music selection!! I can say that we share a similar playlist. Regina Spektor is always a favorite. But sho can beat the Juno soundtrack!! Love you and Happy Birthday!