Wednesday, April 22, 2009

"Is your refrigerator running?"

Do you remember when phone pranks used to be funny and innocent? Remember, when kids in school rarely cussed and if they did they didn't dare do it in front of adults.

It wasn't that long ago that I was a kid. One of those kids, prank calling trying to be funny. Some of our jokes were a little dirty but compared to now they were sweet and innocent.

At midnight last night I got a phone call. Of course, I get up out of bed if you call my house in the middle of the night. It might be an emergency, right? Well, it was not an emergency.

Me: "Hello"
Punk Kid: "Hey, baby"
Me: "Who is this?
Punk Kid: "We just met outside, you still want to F#@*?"

I was so bugged! If that was a prank call that was not funny and if he had the wrong number, how degrading!

I just hope the next generation of women have more respect for themselves than to go out with stupid punks that treat them like a piece of meat. I hope my young women don't give in to a booty call like that.

Just makes me sick.


Megan Morton said...

That is awful! What is the world coming to?!

Maren Nielsen said...

It scares me even thinking about raising my kids in this day and age! Seems like kids are just getting worse. They have no respect! Did you call him a jerk off?


Rachel said...

Grrrrr, that makes me so mad!!!!