Thursday, May 7, 2009

You are what you eat...

If that is true, then I am a Kangaroo, Ben is a Black Bear and our friend Andy is a Yak! Last night we went up to the International Burger restaurant in Bonney Lake. It is a fun place to try exotic burgers like Lion, Alligator and Llama! Becky and I actually split a Kangaroo. I hope this doesn't offend anyone. These are all farm raised for human consumption, even the Lion. Honestly it mostly tasted like a regular burger. But it is fun to say I have tried Kangaroo.


Maren Nielsen said...

Poor Skippy the Bush Kangaroo......JK...I use to watch a lame show with that title in Spain. This kangaroo was the lassy of all kangaroos. It was hilarious! Anyways, glad to hear you were adventurous and you all had fun! Lion huh? I dont know about that one:)

Mindy said...

I'm amazed you were able to stomach something exotic, being with child and all! Just the thought kind of grosses me out! (And I'm for sure NOT pregnant!)

Shaun said...

Emily and I always wanted to go and eat there. We miss you guys and Washington. I would agree with Ben being a Bear, and Andy being a Yak.

Unknown said...

I painted the room green and then am planning on adding purple accents through blankets and pictures on the wall. People have given me a lot of pink stuff but that is ok I will use that too. Do you know what you will be having yet?