Thursday, January 8, 2009

Year in Review 2008

I love the Year in Reviews. When I get to look back at the year and reflect on all that happened. As a news junkie, I love to remember all the big news stories that moved the people. From the economic downturn and the bailout, to the election of the first black president to the astounding Bejing Olympics, this year was incredibly historical.
While the unemployment rate kept rising, Ben and I continued working. While money on Wall Street is slippery, we still have cash in our pockets and food to eat. While the housing market is plummeting, we still have a roof over our heads.
For us in little Lake Tapps, living our simple little lives, I couldn’t call 2008 historical. But it was a good year. This year, Ben climbed his first mountain: Mount Adams. He attempted Mount Baker too late in the season and after his brother fell up to his waist in a crevasse they decided to turn around. All year, REI garage sale after another, Ben has collected enough mountaineering gear to suit him for Mount Rainier for 2009.
Through 2008, I became a pseudo-mom on many levels. House-sitting this spring for two weeks with two teenage girls only gave us a glimpse of what I would have to handle during the summer. Feeding, waking up and motivating, worrying about and loving my 16-year-old nephew all summer was an unforgettable experience. We tried to give him a positive experience with work, the dance festival and youth activities.
When I wasn’t trying to keep Mackay out of trouble, I was helping Becky discipline and entertain here two little kids (Hannah, 6 and Bethany, 4) with free summer fun. We spent a lot of time swimming in the lake, playing at the park, going to free movies, concerts in the park and the library.
If that wasn’t enough “Mom” practice, I spent a week mothering 30, 13-year old girls and 20 Lake Tapps young women at Girl’s Camp. Then there is my title of Puppy Mom of Sadie, the 60-pound lap dog. I don’t care what anyone says; after you spend days feeding, cleaning up after, and waking up in the night with a dog, it sure sounds like mom war stories.
Ben and I made it camping and hiking this summer as well as boating and floating down the river (Ben in his kayak, Mel in her tube). Together we made it to Seaside, OR, this spring and Utah for Memorial Day and Thanksgiving.
I traveled with my friends for a last minute trip to Hollywood, CA for Wicked this summer. And I went to Las Vegas and St. Louis for solo work trips.
Between our families we have three new nieces: Baby McKenzie, Gracie and Isabelle; a new brother Jared; and a new sister Sani. And my Mom and Dad back from Mexico.
Overall 2008, was a good year; a learning year. We tried new things and sometimes we failed to reach the original goal. But is it failure when you gain experiences and learn lessons? I have grown through our experiences and smiled through all of them. We hope 2009 will be another good year.


Maxfields said...

Nice Review, Melissa! I love it! You are so insightful and I loved your look back on 2008. You are a wonderful sister and a great example to me. Love you and miss you!

Maren Nielsen said...

I get so excited when I see that you have posted something! I love reading your blog. What a good year you had! You and Ben are so special to us and we love you alot. We are happy that you are happy! May 2009 be as good as 2008!


Em said...

It was a good year! And the simple things in life make us the happiest! Thanks for being part of my 2008.