Friday, October 3, 2008

To be tagged.

Hah. I did this even before my sister Emily tagged me. So, now I don't feel like such a dork and a true member of the blogging society. I thought this one was fun.

5 fears
*Knives. My brother Blaine would always play up this fear and pretend to cut himself with the dull end of the blade. It would make me gasp every time.
*Losing Ben. I don’t know how I could live without him. A psychic once told me he is my soulmate, how could I argue?
*Being attacked. I travel a lot by myself for work and I am afraid of being mugged or attacked and raped.
*Being a bad Mom. I am a little apprehensive jumping into the whole Mom thing and I think this fear is one reason why.
*Losing Becky. Becky is my friend I happen to caregive for. She has Cystic Fibrosis and I am scared of losing her and more specifically me finding her already gone without me getting to say goodbye. She has become one of my very best friends and I will never forget how she has affected my life.

5 joys
* My Ben.
* My silly dog Sadie.
* The Nielsen Clan. My family is hilarious and we really “get” each other. It is a joy when we are all laughing together around Mom's huge table.
* The temple
* Traveling--especially the spontaneous trips.

5 obsessions/collections
* Stampin’ Up. I started making cards and other fun paper crafts so I now collect stamps and all the crafting goods.
* Books. I have found my love of reading. I have to buy a new book every time I am in the airport. I buy books more than that but it is a must in the airport unless I am already reading a new book.
* Blogs. I love reading other people’s stories.
* Holiday decorations. I love them. I started collecting holiday hot pads and oven mitts that I put up for the seasons in my little kitchen.
* The News. I am a total news junkie; talk radio, newspapers online, local news. I also love the Today Show. It reminds me of my mom.

5 surprising facts
* I have thoes—little tiny thumbs that resemble baby toes. But I have found two thoe sisters (Mallory and Tiff) and a thoe brother (my thoe brother, Tyler, actually has one normal thumb and one thoe—that is even weirder than just two thoes.)
* I took Science classes as electives in college. I had all the requirements for a Bachelor’s of Science before my Junior year without even knowing it.
* I laugh really hard at commercials. I love dorky commercials.
* Ben and I collect shot glasses from everywhere we go but we don’t drink.
* We own four houses in three states: Washington, Pennsylvania and Indiana, and we don't live in any of them.

I don't know who to tag...


Lacey Sue said...

You crack me up Melissa..I also love your "Neilson" clan. They are good people!! I loved reading this!

Anonymous said...

Now you have gotten me thinking about what I would say. I better get a list going. Is that an obsession? Love, Mom

Amanda said...

I love you Mel. I find it interesting that you fear starting a family. I think you will make an amazing mother. Anyone who can juggle owning four houses in three different states and doesn't live in ANY of them would make a great mother. You rock!


Jillyan said...

Mel, you're the greatest! I agree with Amanda. You are going to be an amazing Mom! You will do a lot better job than I do. I definitely will never be up for the Mother of the year award. I've always looked up to you. You are so driven and passionate about everything you do. I wish I was that way. When are you coming to Utah?

Em said...

Thanks Mel! I loved reading your tag.....We are a bunch of blogging fools!

Maxfields said...

I love this. I will have to get on mine. These things take time to think about. I loved reading yours and yes you are going to be a fantastic mother! You already are a great mom to Sadie. Look how you baby her.

And yes Mom, one of your obsessions has got to be list making. : ) But that is what makes the household run. Mom's lists!


Becky said...

It was nice to read about your fears! Thats why you love me, for comments like this.