Saturday, November 1, 2008

Top 5 Reasons this was a good week:

1--Halloween, of course. I love it all--the candy, dressing up, and begging strangers for candy when dressed up. Halloween is a great kick off to the whole holiday season. I even dressed up my dog this year...hmmm....I think I need kids so I don't subject my animal to this cruel and unusual punishment. But little Batman liked it. Look she is smiling!

2--We have RENTERS! Yay! We have renters for the Tacoma house. That is a serious stress-reliever!

3--Pierrogies--I know this is a weird one but I found those little pasta potato dumplings this week and stocked up. Ben and I used to eat steak and pierrogies every week when we first got married. We ate like kings! Well, I haven't been able to find them in the stores... until now! Needless to say I have been living off of these yummy things all week!

4--Mom and Dad come home next Tuesday! It makes this week good because of the anticipation. I am so excited. I don't get to see them until the 19th but still. It feels nice to have my friend back. Now, I can call my Mom whenever I want to.

5--Hot Yoga...I started Hot Yoga this week. They opened a new studio about 15 minutes from my house. I used to do hot yoga (literally, yoga in a heated room to about 100 degrees or so) out in Tacoma. When we moved I tried to keep it up but it was way too long of a drive. So now, my friend Dyan and I go together. I am hoping to get my rockin' yoga body back. I was my healthiest when I was doing yoga twice a week. Now, I am soft and insulated. Sigh. Without any good excuses. So Miss Lazy (or as my brothers would say "Fatty Face") has a goal to be looking good and 15 pounds lighter by Christmas.

See. I told you I had a good week.


Anonymous said...

You are a scary witch and poor Sadie!! You did have a good week. I love Halloween too, and I have missed it. Next year, we will be right on top of it. Love, Mom

Maxfields said...

Happy belated Halloween! I love Halloween too! Yes, you do need a kid, but you can still subject Sadie to the dog costume. I am surprised you found a costume that would fit bigger dogs, I hear that is hard to find. I am glad you found a renter, that is awesome! Perrogies are good! Dave likes them with bratwurst. I just like the perrogies. Yum! I can't believe I am going to see mom tomorrow! Crazy! I am glad you had a great week!

Maren Nielsen said...

Happy Halloween! Im kind of late I know....but how fun are you for dressing up! I dont think Ive dressed up since Ive been married. Maybe next year.

That makes me laugh about the perrogies. Jared was the one to introduce me to them. They have good ones at Trader Joes.

Im counting down the days to see all of you. Sisters Day...Twilight...Fudge....Lots of Laughs and a wedding! Woo Whoo!

Keep up the good work on the yoga. At first I was like Hot Yoga? I thought it was some kind of skanky yoga or something!
